
An increasing number of agencies, academic institutes, and governmental and industrial bodies are embracing the principles of sustainability in managing their activities and conducting business. As a sustainability quantitative measurement tool, life-cycle assessment (LCA) has been increasingly used in Europe in the construction industry and is being integrated into green construction regulations in a number of countries. In North America, steps have been taken to facilitate the adoption of LCA. This symposium, hosted by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, will focus on the implementation of LCA for pavements in North America and around the world. The symposium hosts activities organized by FWHA Sustainable Pavement Task Group and TRB sub-committee AFD00(1). The objective of the symposium is to review the current status of LCA implementation for project- and network-level applications; identify the extent of consensus; and discuss future developments for pavement LCA implementation. This symposium is a follow-up to the 2010 Pavement LCA Workshop, Davis, California; 2012 RILEM Symposium on LCA for Construction Materials, Nantes, France; and 2014 Pavement LCA Symposium, Davis, California.

Invited presentations and panel discussions summarized current status, challenges, and pressing issues on LCA. Presentations, papers, and posters addressed the recent development and challenges facing implementation of LCA for pavements. Papers were published in electronic formats and posted online.